Job Indonesia

Monday, October 25, 2010

Websume: Resumes As Websites

By Nathan Newberger

As we move into the next millennium, one's approach to the job market is becoming exceedingly more sophisticated. Technologically our options are ever-evolving at a rather fast clip. To find a job today, we work with the new world of career management websites, online communities, listservs, video conference interviews, virtual offices, data mining techniques, virtual reality job simulations, and newsgroups, just to name a few. We are moving so fast, Merriam-Webster, et. Al. cannot keep up with the spontaneous combustion of new words entering our daily lives.

So with all of these new means of communication, how do we put our best virtual foot forward?

A candidate in today's marketplace cannot rely upon the traditional methods of a job search. Responding to classifieds, working with executive search firms and networking with industry associates are not the primary investigative channels that they once were. According to Gerry Crispin and Mark Mehlin, authors of the well respected directory "CareerXRoads" (a guide to the 500 best job, resume and career management sites): "?too many professionals look to find a 'yellow brick road' -- a straight and narrow path" to the ideal job. When, in essence, it is a territory with "crossroads?where both employer and candidates can meet and make a choice or two."

However, even with greater communication, the job of getting a job is still an arduous task. It requires up-to-date knowledge of the new technological process of recruitment. "Recruiters and managers prefer to scan the most candidate data in the shortest period of time," states Gerry Crispin. This is the quickest way that a firm can formulate a short list of applicants that meet their job criteria. So it behooves the job-seeker to become familiar with the "key words" that are needed to make their resumes the most "scan-specific."

But even at this point, how do candidates differentiate themselves from the competition? In other words, once in the the door, how do we move beyond just having face time with the job decision-makers?

Developing a resume web site is a means to that end. Here for the first time is an opportunity for candidates to make their professional background come to life and virtually (no pun intended)?jump off the page (or screen, as it were)! If your written page of vita data got their interest -- think about the icing on the cake -- the advertising vehicle of a website that is able to stimulate the senses of sight and sound.

A few examples follow:
  • When you want to highlight a point, include a photograph or .jpg file.
  • If you were ever filmed during an interview or a personal appearance, transfer that footage to an .avi file.
  • Use a camcorder to conduct your own interview and paste it to your homepage.Film and interview one of your references.
  • Add sound (a .wav file) to accent a hyperlink, or include background music to set a tone.
  • Use clipart or graphics to reinforce a theme, an idea, an experience.

Once the creative process has begun, there are endless possibilities as to what one can do to make the work experience come alive.

However, coupled with this new and exciting opportunity to present oneself is the much needed element of self-promotion. The field of dreams analogy of "once you build it they will come" does not necessarily apply here. One has to be tenacious in the pursuit of making a resume site available to the most people. Similar to the concept of networking, the more people you meet, the greater are your odds for selling the goods.

In promoting a resume website, you can expose your electronic advertisement in some of the following ways:
  • Embed your URL site into e-mail, press releases, and newsgroup communications.
  • Conduct an e-mail campaign to all of your prospects.
  • Send a separate e-mail communication to your networking associates.
  • Connect to search engines with key words.
  • Link to the resume web sites of your associates and trade organizations in your field.Advertise on career placement websites.List your site name on all of your correspondence, traditional resumes and FAX cover sheets.
  • Get your references to give you testimonials so they can mention your site during reference checks.
  • Present your website during the job interview.

Again the possibilities of promoting one's self is endless, but extremely important in making sure that your website receives as much traffic as possible. As a reinforcement to one's printed resume and your face-to-face interview presentation, a resume website can only enhance your chances of getting that next important job.
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