He had the right degree from a respected university, years of experience in the industry and even once claimed the coveted corner office as his own. But, since being laid-off, this seasoned business executive could not understand why he wasn't landing the job - especially since he'd lowered the bar on his job search and was pursuing many jobs a couple steps down the ladder from his past position. In fact, the more he lowered his expectations on job level, they fewer nibbles he got back on his resume.
This scenario happens more often than you'd think, an experienced and qualified worker aiming too low in job pool receives rejection letter after rejection letter. What usually happens is the employer takes a look at the resume, notices the high-level of experience and makes a judgment (right or wrong) that the applicant is over-qualified, desperate for any job or would not last long in the position due to boredom or frustration for working for superiors that are less qualified. Or, the hiring manager might assume that that the over-qualified candidate might jump ship at the first opportunity for a higher-status position and more money.
Another negative aspect about searching for a lower-than-qualified-for job is that, after a number of "thank you but no thank yous," the job seeker may internalize the rejection, devalue his or her self-worth and even give up on the job hunt altogether. Of all things that can destroy finding another job in a tough market, having no self-confidence or a fatalistic attitude may be the most damaging.
Instead of aiming too low in a hunt for a job, candidates should focus on finding jobs through networking among colleagues and business acquaintances. Here, the job seeker can tap into a "hidden" market of positions that have been under-advertised because of the current economic recession. After receiving a lead for new jobs through networking, the job candidate should contact the supervisor directly and explain how you can bring value to the department and company - in other words, make the sale!
Todd Denning
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